Low Country
Landscapes are amalgams of the past
and present. The Carolina Low Country is especially complex of its rich
cultural history stretching from initial seventeenth century settlement to
the invasion of recreation seekers in great numbers after World War II to the
modern invasion of retiring Baby Boomers. Rice was the primary source of
income and raison d'etre for being there until the late nineteenth century and
it is difficult to imagine how many of these seemingly untouched marshes were
once heavily cultivate rice fields. Charleston became the center of the
rice trade, of shipping foods stuffs to the plantations of the Caribbean, as
well as having sea island cotton, indigo, hides, and other goods pass through
its doors. The end of slavery and the collapse of the rice culture system
relegated much of the rural areas to hardscrabble tenant farming and "getting along." The task system of work assignments during
slave times meant that the African-heritage population retained far more of
their ancient cultural traditions which has brought the evolution of a far
richer Afro-European cultural tradition than found elsewhere in the
American South.
Home Charleston
Flowers and Things
Richard Pillsbury
Turn of the River II (18x24) oil |
Changing light on the big bend. |
Storm Passing (18x24 oil) |
Turn of the River (18x24) oil |
The changing mood of the river as light, day and weather change. |
Water, water, everywhere... (18x24) oil |
Pelican skimming across the water, or.... |
Final Approach (12x16 oil) |
Making a Living
Who's Fish? (16x20) oil |
Fishing is not really work, but maybe in this case. |
Goat (16x20) |
Oyster picker and general everything at Bowen's |
James (16x20) |
Chief cook and bottle washer at Bowen's Island |
Oysters Coming Up (18x24 oil) |
Winter Afternoon (27x18 oil) |
Beach Life
Early Bird (16x20) |
Walking on the beach at dawn brings all kinds of surprises. |
Fishing for Solitude (16x20) |
Title says it all. |
Ridin' In (18x24) oil |
Boogie boards, almost as much fun as splashing your brother. |
Kippers please!! (18x24) oil |
Not everyone dining along the shore has the same experience. |
Splish, Splash (18x24) oil |
Cat in the Hat (16x20) oil |
Pretty (16x20 oil |
Always something new and exciting to find while playing on the beach. |